Tuesday 25 October 2011

Cafe Che Che!

Do you remember the Burj Kalifa Che Che?
Its the tallest building in the World.

Last night I was walking nearby and I noticed new cafe with a very cool name.
Here is a picture of it.

Can you read what it is called?
Shall we go there next time you come to Dubai?

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Plant Asians

Do you remember my garden Che Che?

Well while we were in France this summer my plants didn't watered, so most of them just shrivelled up and died.

This one just about managed to survive but as you can see its not in very good shape.

So I decided its time for some new plants, (and some advice on looking after them. )
Meet Ali and Bhasin the gardeners. They are from Pakistan which is another very hot country.
They work here at the University looking after all the gardens for all the houses including mine.

They brought me some new plants, and told me how to make sure they survive and thrive!
This one is my favourite. (I must ask what its called.)

Will you help me water plants and help Ali and Bhasin look after the garden when you come to visit Che Che?

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Al Ain Beastie

Hey Che Che.

Last weekend I went to Al Ain which is an old city about an hour and a half drive from Dubai.

I visited the fort and the museum. Look what was inside as an exhibit!

A Beastie!

Its a white one so it wasn't used by the fire brigade.
What do you think it was used for?