Sunday 30 January 2011

Stormy Weather

The weather has been a bit strange here lately Che Che.

This weekend there was a sandstorm and some trees were blown down by the wind!

Monday 24 January 2011

Keep on Truckin!

On the way back form the Wood yard Tom saw some old trucks he liked.
So we stopped to look at them.

It was a very old truck but Tom reckoned he could do it up and make it look good again.

But the chickens said they didnt want the truck moved!

Sunday 23 January 2011


The other day I went to Sharjah to buy some wood with Moses and Tom.

The wood is kept in a giant warehouse in big stacks.
They use forklift trucks when they need to move it.

and put it onto the delivery lorries

Would you like to drive a fork lift truck Che Che?