Monday 30 November 2009

Rock With You.

Did I tell you Che Che when I moved into my house here there was an old rocking chair outside that someone had thrown away. It looked nice to me so I rescued it and put it in my back yard.

I liked sitting in and rocking in it but it was bit difficult to use the laptop at the same time.

So I decided to design something to fit on it to make it easy.

I call it the Rock-IT.

Here are the pictures of how it looks, and an animation of how the Rock-IT works.

A Very Grumpy Camel

Today I saw a man with his camel.
Here they are both smiling:

He was letting people have a sit on and then taking them for short rides.

But I dont think the camel liked it.
He made a huge growling noise like a monster and barred all his teeth!

On top of that he was very smelly. Like pooh.
I think I will stay away from Camels!

Thursday 26 November 2009

National Day!

What a crazy week this week!

On Tues 24 th (the same day as Granny Mary's Birthday)
we had celebrations for 'National Day'.

All the students brought in lots of food and flags, and threw a big party in front of the college!

We all dressed up like Arabs and joined in the traditional Emirati dancing (Only the men are allowed to do it (the girls just watch!)

See if you can spot which one is me dancing in this video..

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Gordon Gecko

The other night I got up to get a glass of water.
Then out the corner of my eye I saw something running up the wall and across the ceiling!
It gave me quite a fright!

It stopped in the middle and looked down at me and I could see it was a type of little lizard or Gecko.

I have seen him a few times since then.

Its getting cooler now at nights so I think he likes to be warm in my house.
I call him Gordon. Gordon Gecko.

Do you think I should let him stay Che Che?

Monday 2 November 2009

Wind Tower Power!

Most of the buildings in Dubai are very new and tall.

But last weekend I went to the old part in Bastakia.
which has lots of lovely traditional Arabic houses.

They have towers in the corners which catch the wind and help keep the house cool.

I took Black and White pictures on a film camera and developed them in the College darkroom because my digital camera has broken :(

But I quite like them in black and white anyway.

What do you think?

You can click on the picture to make it bigger.