Friday 30 October 2009

Grand Prix

This weekend its the Formula One Grand Prix in Abu Dhabi.

It's the first time they have held the race there.

This is a picture of one of the Racing Cars.
Its a Ferrari and its goes Very Fast!.

I bet you would like to drive it wouldn't you Che?

Well guess what.
They are building a place called Ferrari World
where you will be able to drive cars like this!

Shall we go and have a race?

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Posh Hotels

Dubai is full of rich people who like to stay in expensive hotels.

Some are so big they are like towns.
Like this one called the Al Mina at Jumeirah Beach which has its own canals.

You can see the taxi boats which people use to travel around the hotel town, they are called Dhows.

The tall hotel in the background is where VERY RICH people stay.

Some of them arrive by helicopter and land on the special helicopter pad near the top!

Burj el Arab

The 'Helicopter Hotel' is called the Burj El Arab.
It is supposed to look like sail of a Dhow. Do you think it does?

Now you can see what how it looks in the day and at night.

Friday 23 October 2009

On Sheikhy Ground

This is the entrance hall of the college.
Can you see the pictures of the Sheikh on both sides?

He is one of the rulers of the United Arab Emirates. (UAE for short.)
He is like a King but they call him Sheikh. You say it like Milk Shake :)

His name is Sultan bin Mohamed Al- Qasimi
He is very rich (he found lots of oil under his garden.)

He gave some of his money so they could build the best College of Fine Arts and Design in all the UAE and get the best teachers to work there!

Cheeky Monkey!

Hey Che!

You know sometimes I say the students are 'cheeky monkeys'!
Well guess what...

A student came into college with her own Monkey!
He had a nappy on and he was very cheeky!

Can you see him on top of her head!

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Radical Medical!

On my Second Day At Work I had to go for a medical to make sure Im fit and healthy!

A man drove me to the Sharjah Public Health Centre. (The picture shows the waiting area)

I had to line up with lots of other men. They were mostly Chinese and Indians. I was the only white man.

We had to take our shirts off and then they Xrayed us one by one but very quickly!
Then I had to roll my sleeve up and they jabbed me with a needle and took a blood sample.

I hope the results are OK!

First Day at Work!

When I got to the University it was so big I couldnt find the building I was suppposed to be in!

I walked all around in the blazing heat trying to find it.
It was so hot I nearly melted!

This is a picture of me when I finally got there.
(But then I found out it was the Wrong Building too!)

Tall Buildings!

Next morning I took a taxi to the University of Sharjah which is where my new job is.

On the way I saw lots of tall building and lots more still being built!

Sunday 11 October 2009

Hot Hot Hot!

Hello Che Che & Sheran!

I landed in Dubai at 1.00 am in the morning 4 weeks ago today!

Even though it was the middle of the night it was Hot Hot Hot!
It was so hot my glasses steamed up when i stepped out the airport!

This is the first picture I took from the window of the taxi that took me to the Holiday International Hotel where I was booked to stay for the next 5 days.

You cant really see properly cos it was on my phone camera but there are big fans that are blowing out air to try and keep everyone cool!

You will see them when you land at Dubai Airport when you come to see me at Christmas.